英语翻译*对突发事件的处理——以抗击云娜台风为例摘 要现代动荡的社会环境中,公共危机已成为了*行政环境的常态.伴随着全球化和城市化进程的不断加快,突发公共事件的发生日益频繁,波及面更为广泛,并对社会的规范秩序和人们的正常生活带来诸多负面影响,具有极大的危害性,而同时对*应对突发事件的能力提出了更高的要求.结合各级*抗击云娜台风的成功个案分析而概括出*有效应对突发事件的核心要素并针对所存在的问题而提出行之有效的解决思路无疑是当前的现实选择.我国*要减少危机的发生概率,降低突发事件可能带来的损失,提高*应对危机的效率,必须树立全民公共危机意识,建立危机预警监测机制;建立和完善政治与法治支持机制而构建一个快速反应的危机应对系统.


摘 要

The government to arise suddenly the event processing take to resist the cloud elegant typhoon as an example In the abstract modern turbulent social environment,the public crisis has become the government administration environment habit.Is following the globalization and the urbanized advancement unceasingly speeds up,arise suddenly the public event the occurrence day by day frequent,affects the surface to be more widespread,and brings many negative influences to society's standard order and people's normal life,has the enormous hazardous nature,but simultaneously should to arise suddenly the event to the government the ability to set a higher request.Unifies all levels of governments to resist the cloud elegant typhoon the success document analysis to summarize the government to have the effect to arise suddenly the question which the event the core essential factor and aims at exists to propose the effective solution mentality is the current reality choice without doubt.Our country government must reduce the crisis the occurrence probability,reduces arise suddenly the loss which the event possibly brings,enhances the government to be supposed to the crisis efficiency,must set up the all the people public crisis to realize,establishes the crisis to forewarn the monitor mechanism; The establishment and consummation politics and the government by law support mechanism constructs a rapid reaction the crisis to be supposed to the system.