来几道简单的英文翻译,答得好加分1.医生挨家挨户上门寻访,省去了老年人去医院的麻烦(save)2.无论风多大、雨多急,警察一直坚守在岗位上.(no matter)3.各色阳伞给夏日街头平添了活泼的气氛.(add to)4.一样东西只有当你失去时,才会觉得它是多么重要.(not...until...)好好翻译阿,形苦大家乐!好的话我可以加分!谢拉


2.无论风多大、雨多急,警察一直坚守在岗位上.(no matter)
3.各色阳伞给夏日街头平添了活泼的气氛.(add to)

1.Door-to-door searching for a doctor went door-to-door, the elderly avoid the trouble to go to the hospital .
2.No matter how much wind and rain more urgency, the police have done their jobs.
3.Summer colored parasol to bring the lively street atmosphere.
4.The same things when you lose only when they feel it is very important.

1 The doctor visited door by door to save seniors' effort to hospital.
2 No matter how strong the wind is, how heavy the rain is, police still hold their positions.
3 Umbrellas in different colours add lively atmosphere to summer's street.
4 You will not regret until you lost it.

1. Doctors made family-by-family visits, saving the trouble for old people to go to hospital.2.No matter how hard the wind blows, how heavily it rains, policemen will still stick to their duties.3.Um...