英语翻译1、相反,跟团游不仅能够壮大世界各地的旅游业,还能够进一步满足就业需求,同时也可以增进世界各地的友好往来.2、所以我们更应该考虑到跟团游给国家甚至整个社会带来的长远利益.跟团游:Package tour


跟团游:Package tour

1. on the contrary, package tour not only promotes the tourism industry all over the world, but also further meet the demand of employment, and enhance friendly exchange in the world as well.
2. so we should consider the long-term profit that package tour brings to the country and even the whole society.

1、On the contrary,Package tour can promote the tourism all over the world as well as furtherly meet the need of the employment.Besides it can strengthen the friend communication among the world.
2、Therefore we should consider more about the long-term interest the Package tour can bring to the country and even the whole society.

1.On the contrary,package tours can not only make tourism more prosper worldwide,but also can create more jobs and enhance the friendly relationships between different countries around the world.2.The...