我国从一个计划经济*转变为一个市场经济*的过程中,留下了许多具有我国特殊国情的、难以解决的问题,建立一套适合我国国情的资产评估体系对于我国来说有着重要意义.我把这段译成:China from a planned economy into a market economy system for the process,left many of my special condition of the difficult issues,establish a set of suits China's national conditions for the asset evaluation system is of vital importance for China.


China from a planned economy into a market economy system for the process,left many of my special condition of the difficult issues,establish a set of suits China's national conditions for the asset evaluation system is of vital importance for China.

It's wrong. 你是用机器翻译的

Our country from a planned economy system transformation is in a market economy system process, stayed behind many had the question which our country special national condition, solved with difficulty...