1、She is the person who I am waiting for .(改为同意句) She is the person ___ ___ I am waiting.2、The boy is going to Taiyuan next Sunday?(对going to Taiyuan提问)______ ______ the boy ______ next Sunday?同义句转换(每空一词)3、Li ping doesn't run as fast as Wang Lin.Wang Lin ______ ______ ______ Li Ping.4、Her father and mother are both doctors.Her ______ are both doctors.5、I study English very well.I am very ______ ______ English.6、My box is heavy .Jim‘s box is heavier.Ji


1、She is the person who I am waiting for .(改为同意句) She is the person ___ ___ I am waiting.
2、The boy is going to Taiyuan next Sunday?(对going to Taiyuan提问)
______ ______ the boy ______ next Sunday?
3、Li ping doesn't run as fast as Wang Lin.
Wang Lin ______ ______ ______ Li Ping.
4、Her father and mother are both doctors.
Her ______ are both doctors.
5、I study English very well.
I am very ______ ______ English.
6、My box is heavy .Jim‘s box is heavier.
Jim’s box is heavier ______ ______.
7、They both study very hard.
______ ______ ______ study very hard.

1. for whom
2. where is going
3.runs faster than
5. good at
6. than mine
7. both of them.

1 for whom
2 What will , do
3 runs faster than
4 parents
5 good at
6 than mine
7 Both of them