英语长句分析:什么句型,主干是什么,修饰成分有哪些,充当什么成分,尽量详细一点,He felt weak and sore,and the pain of his smashed knuckles warned him that,even if he could find a job at navvy work,it would be a week before he could grip a pick handle or a shovel.


He felt weak and sore,and the pain of his smashed knuckles warned him that,even if he could find a job at navvy work,it would be a week before he could grip a pick handle or a shovel.

翻译:他感到没有力气,并且疼痛。粉碎手指的疼痛警告他,即使他能找到挖掘的工作,至少要一个星期他才可以紧握镐柄和铁铲。 that 后面是宾语从句,最后一句是it will be + 一段时间 + before从句,翻译为“要过多久才会怎么样”。

翻译难点为三点:1. 准确体现出窘境;2. 反映出手指关节受伤与需养伤一周之间的因果关系;3. 语言流畅,无翻译腔。
解释:为了消除翻译腔,译文中动了两处手术:1. 将原文的一句译成了两句;2. 未直译原文的grip a pick handle or a shovel(拿得动镐柄或锹把),而是译成了“开工”。

He felt weak and sore,and the pain of his smashed knuckles warned him that,even if he could find a job at navvy work,it would be a week before he could grip a pick handle or a shovel.
1.这是一个完整的句子.由两部分构成...and...(并列句),He felt weak and sore,+and+the pain of his smashed knuckles warned him that,even if he could find a job at navvy work,it would be a week before he could grip a pick handle or a shovel.
2.第二分句the pain of his smashed knuckles warned him that,even if he could find a job at navvy work,it would be a week before he could grip a pick handle or a shovel.复杂.the pain of his smashed knuckles warned 主句,him(人) that,even if he could find a job at navvy work,it would be a week before he could grip a pick handle or a shovel(物).是双宾语结构,that,even if he could find a job at navvy work,it would be a week before he could grip a pick handle or a shovel(物).是warned的宾语从句,由that(无词意,只是符号)引导.
3.宾语从句that,even if he could find a job at navvy work,it would be a week before he could grip a pick handle or a shovel(物).由一个复杂句构成,it would be a week before he could grip a pick handle or a shovel(主句),even if he could find a job at navvy work,(从句,由even if引导的让步状语从句).
4.(主句)it would be a week before he could grip a pick handle or a shovel,为复杂句,before he could grip a pick handle or a shovel(时间状语从句).