

For many young people during the Roaring Twenties,a disgust with the excesses of American culture combined with a wanderlust to provoke an exodus abroad.
这个句子里面For many young people during the Roaring Twenties是表示对象的一个状语从句不影响主句结构,主语是a disgust (...) combined with a wanderlust,但是to provoke是一个介词短语啊,这里我就觉得不顺了,是不是应该把to去掉,这样provoke做谓语,句子结构就完整了呢?

如果按你的分析 provole 当谓语,那么a disgust with the excesses of American culture combined with a wanderlust to就是主语,那么combined with 应该做什么成分,分词结构吗?假设a disgust with the excesses of A...