问一道GRE填空题Ironically, the writer so wary of (i)__________ was (ii)__________ with ink andpaper, his novel running to 2,500 shagreen-bound folio pages — a fortune instationery at the time.Blank (i) A probity B extravagance C disapprobation Blank (ii) D acquisitive E illiberal F profligate答案是B F.不要给我讲前后转折关系啥的,网上有.我的问题是:句子中两个空之间的was是谁的谓语?怎么可以放在这里?应该怎么翻译这个was?谢谢!


Ironically, the writer so wary of (i)__________ was (ii)__________ with ink and
paper, his novel running to 2,500 shagreen-bound folio pages — a fortune in
stationery at the time.
Blank (i) A probity B extravagance C disapprobation
Blank (ii) D acquisitive E illiberal F profligate
答案是B F.