1.到上学期期末,我们已经学会了三百多个英语单词 By the end of last term,we ( ) ( ) ( ) () three hundred English words 2.这片森林占地约两万平方公里The forest ( )( ) ( )() square kilometres


1.到上学期期末,我们已经学会了三百多个英语单词 By the end of last term,we ( ) ( ) ( ) () three hundred English words 2.这片森林占地约两万平方公里The forest ( )( ) ( )() square kilometres

1. had learned more than 2.covers about twenty thousands

1. By the end of last term,we ( have ) ( already ) ( learned ) ( over ) three hundred English words
2. The forest ( covers ) ( about ) ( twenty ) ( thousand ) square kilometres

By the end of last term,we (had) (learned) ( more ) (than) three hundred English words.
The forest ( covers )( an ) ( area )( of ) square kilometres