用动词适当形式填空9,More than three thousand cars______ (produce) by the end of last year.10,All the books in that list____(read) by our students befor the winter vacation was over11,Alice___ (ask) to bring her parents to school by her biology teacher yesterday afternoon.12,The baby____(take) to the day care center by mother this morning.13,When she got to the party she found that all the


用动词适当形式填空9,More than three thousand cars______ (produce) by the end of last year.
10,All the books in that list____(read) by our students befor the winter vacation was over
11,Alice___ (ask) to bring her parents to school by her biology teacher yesterday afternoon.
12,The baby____(take) to the day care center by mother this morning.
13,When she got to the party she found that all the food___ (eat up).
14,I visited the Yellow River, which ___(say) to be " the mother river", and had a good time.
15, Peter's car _____ (steal) again. That is the third time this year.

9.had been produced
10.had been read
11.was asked
12.was taken
13.had been eaten up
14.is said
15.was stolen