

跑酷亦称作“城市疾走”,城市疾走即Parkour,Parkour诞生于80年代的法国,“Parkour”一跑酷运动一词来自法文的“parcourir”,直译就是“到处跑”当然在其中含义就是“超越障碍训练场”的意思.Parkour把整个城市当作一个大训练场一切围墙、屋顶都成为可以攀爬、穿越的对象 特别是废弃的房屋这项街头疾走极限运动 非常具有观赏性 城市疾走这项街头疾走极限运动.

Parkour also known as "city scurry", urban scurry namely Parkour Parkour was born in 1980s, France, "Parkour" Parkour sporting a word comes from French "parcourir", literal translation is "run everywhere" of course in the implication is that "obstacle course" means. Parkour the whole city as a great training all the walls, roofs have become can climb, through objects especially condemned buildings this street scurry extreme sports very are entertaining city scurry this street scurry extreme sports.
It helps you only of power itself through any obstacle, or arrived to a destination. Parkour is not only door movement of art, is a way of life, running and jumping to climb the free spirit in the motion of infinite stretch. Indeed, it is an art.
Parkour is a human instinct reaction, this ingrained instinct is sports, is a kind of need real warrior spirit of sports.