中译英 翻的好 因为你已经不是小孩了 不要处处依靠父母 要学会照顾自己depend on 许多专家建议应该对上海的高楼数量进行控制.propose 全世界的孩子普遍对动画片感兴趣,这就是为什么日本动画片在中国如此受欢迎的原因.popular 尽管他本人并不富裕 但他每年留出一些钱去帮助山区的贫穷孩子 set aside 奥运精神激励各国运动员去拼搏创造奇迹.(inspire) 那套*建国五十周年的邮票发行5天就售完了 be sold out 那家服装店宣称所有衣物降价50%,然而,顾客仍寥寥无几.(claim) 在会上,100名热衷于志愿者的市民受到了*的表彰.(keen) 有西方国家鼓励多用电 用的越多 价格就越便宜 the more ……the more 你知道谁首先提出 知识就是力量 这句名言的?put forward 我怀疑天天喝纯净水是否能满足常人对各种矿物质的需求meet 世界上越来越多的人受到了艾滋病的威胁,因此必须采取积极措施be threatened 小马的父亲在上


中译英 翻的好
因为你已经不是小孩了 不要处处依靠父母 要学会照顾自己depend on
尽管他本人并不富裕 但他每年留出一些钱去帮助山区的贫穷孩子 set aside
那套*建国五十周年的邮票发行5天就售完了 be sold out
有西方国家鼓励多用电 用的越多 价格就越便宜 the more ……the more
你知道谁首先提出 知识就是力量 这句名言的?put forward
世界上越来越多的人受到了艾滋病的威胁,因此必须采取积极措施be threatened
年前,一件飞往纽约的客机失去控制,坠落在机场附近的居民区.out of control

1.Since you're not a kid, you should not always depend on parents,and you should learn to take care of yourself.
2.Many experts propose that the growing number of shanghai's skyscrapers should be controlled.
4.Although he is not rich, he sets aside some money to help those poor kids in the rurial areas.
5.The spirt of the olympic games inspires athletes from all of the world to creat miracles.
6.那套*建国五十周年的邮票发行5天就售完了 The set of stamps which memorises the 50th anniversary 那家服装店宣称所有衣物降价50%,然而,顾客仍寥寥无几.(claim)
有西方国家鼓励多用电 用的越多 价格就越便宜 the more ……the more
你知道谁首先提出 知识就是力量 这句名言的?put forward
世界上越来越多的人受到了艾滋病的威胁,因此必须采取积极措施be threatened
年前,一件飞往纽约的客机失去控制,坠落在机场附近的居民区。out of control

1.Since you are no longer a child,you should learn to take care of yourself instead of always depending on your parents.
2.Many experts proposed that the growing number of the skyscrapers in Shanghai should be controlled.
3.Generally,most children from all over the world are interested in cartoon,and that's the reason why Japanese cartoons are so popular in China.
4.Although he is not rich,he sets aside some money every year to help the poor children living in the rural areas.
5.The spirt of the olympic games inspires athletes from all over the world to struggle for miracle.
6.The set of stamps in memory of the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the P.R.C were sold out within 5 days after the emission.
7.The customer remains very few although the toggery claimed that all the clothes were half off.
8.At the meeting,100 citizens who are keen on volunteering are honored by the government.
9.Some western countries encourage the use of electricity :the more you use it,the more cheap it becomes.
10.Who do you know is the first one to put forward the logion "knowledge is power"?
11.I doubt whether it meets our need for mineral substance if we only drink purified water everyday.
12.More and more people in the world are threatened by AIDS ,so we must take positive actions.
13.Xiao Ma's father was hit by a car on his way to work,but luckily,he just had some slight injury on the leg.
14.Last year,an airliner heading for New York became out of control and fell over the residential area near the airdrome.
15.Millions of multiple shops in Shanghai bring great convenience to the eveyday life for the residents.