英语翻译你的回复邮件我已收到,不好意思这么久才回复你.因我司的订购数量及规格有点变动,现已确定订购以下规格及数量:BFN-2 1卷(1000M) JPY72,000BFN-3 1卷(1000M) JPY103,000BFN-4 2卷(2000M) JPY258,000Total amount:JPY 433,000请确认以上各项金额是否正确!此批货有点急,请贵司答复一个最快的交货时间,交货方式由贵司将货物送到我司委托承运在东京的货运公司.我司将在收到贵司回信的二个工作日内将货款汇到贵司指定的银行帐号.


BFN-2 1卷(1000M) JPY72,000
BFN-3 1卷(1000M) JPY103,000
BFN-4 2卷(2000M) JPY258,000
Total amount:JPY 433,000

We have received your reply.
Since there have some changes about our company's order quantity and specification, now the comfirmed specification and quantity we would like to order as follows:
BFN-2 1 ROLL(1000M) JPY72,000
BFN-3 1 ROLL(1000M) JPY103,000
BFN-4 2 ROLL(2000M) JPY258,000
Total amount:JPY 433,000
Please comfirm the above-metioned price.
Because we are urgently in need of this goods, please give us the earliest delivery time.
Two days after we received your reply, we will send remittance to your appointed accounts.

Your reply mail I have received,am embarrassed such for a long time
only then reply you.Because my take charge of the order quantity and
the specification a little change,already below determined orders the
specification and the quantity:
The BFN-2 1 volume (1000M) JPY72,000 the BFN-3 1 volume (1000M)
JPY103,000 the BFN-4 2 volumes (2000M) JPY258,000 Total amount:JPY
4.33,million please above confirmed each amount is whether correct!
This 批货 is a little anxious,please the expensive department
answered quickest delivery time,the delivery way delivers by the
expensive department the cargo I to take charge of entrusts to
undertake to transport in Tokyo's freight transportation company.I
will take charge of in receive expensive department reply in two
working days to lend collect the bank account number which assigns to
the expensive department.