


The Thanksgiving Day is on the November. It's on the last Thurday.Thanksgiving Day has been traced back to the origin of the originator history of the United States. In 1620, the famous "100,000" boat loaded with unbearable British domestic religious persecution of Puritans arrived in the Americas 102. By winter, they encounter unimaginable difficulties, in the hungry and cold, the winter of the past, only 50 survive from the immigrants. At this time, the Indian girl brought the necessities to immigrants, but also teach them how to hunting, fishing and planting corn, pumpkins. With the help of the American Indians, immigrants finally won a bumper harvest, according to religious traditions and customs, immigration rules the day thank God, and decided to thank the Indians sincere help, inviting them to celebrate the festival together.

Thanksgiving Day Fourth Thursday in November Almost every culture in the world has held celebrations of thanks for a plentiful harvest. The American Thanksgiving holiday began as a feast of thanksgivi...