英语 语法 (20 18:49:21)
英语 语法 (20 18:49:21)
hardly是几乎不的意思 副词
I hardly watch tv.
- 时间:23:35 8:40 17:05 2:30 13:10 4:25 18:20 10:59 用英语怎么表达
- 2012广东高考英语语法填空答案疑问17题为什么是would buy而不是had bought;;22题为什么是which而不是who;;24题为什么是if/whether而不是what原文和我做的答案:Mary will ever forget the firsttime she saw him.He suddenly appeared in class one day ,__16wearing_(wear) sun glasses .He walked in as if he __17would buy(had bought?)___(buy) the school,And the word quickly got around that he was from New York City.For some reason he sat besideMary.Mary felt _____18pleased_ (please),because there were many empty seat
- 广东省2012英语试卷的语法填空第20空应该填什么?Mary will ever forget the first time she saw him .He suddenly appeared in class one day ,__16_(wear) sun glasses .He walked in as if he __17___(buy) the school ,And the word quickly got around that he was from New Youk City .For some reason he sat beside Mary.Mary felt _____18_(please ),because there were many empty seats in the room .But she quickly realized that it wasn’t her ,it was probably the fact that she sat in __19__
- 根据以下10个乘积,11×29 12×28 13×27 14×26 15×25 16×24 17×23 18×2219×21 20×20 (1):试将以上各乘积分别写成“一个数的平方-另一个数的平方”(平方差公式:a的平方-b的平方)的形式,并将以上十个乘积按照从小到大的顺序排列起来.(2):若乘积的两个因数分别用字母a、b(a、b为正数)表示,请给出ab与a+b的关系式;(不要求证明)打不出来的符号用语言描述
- 问英语题目--语法填空At 3:42am on July 28,1976,the___(great) earthquake of the 20 century had begun in Tangshan.It caused great damages because the people of the city___thought little of the signs,were asleep as usual that night,Two-____(three)of the people died or were____Many buildings fell____.The railway tracks became____(use).Nearly everything was____ (go).The earthquake was so great_____people were shocked.Luckily,the army built shelters for the people___
- 七年级人教版语文第三单元基础知识归纳复习卷七七七七年级年级年级年级下下下下册语文册语文册语文册语文第第第第三三三三单元单元单元单元基础知识基础知识基础知识基础知识复习复习复习复习测试测试测试测试 一一一一、、、、给下列加点词注音给下列加点词注音给下列加点词注音给下列加点词注音,并注意并注意并注意并注意其字形其字形其字形其字形.1、宰.( )割 2、筹.( )划. 3、彷徨( )( ) 4、仰慕( ) 5、可歌可泣( ) 6、鲜.( )为人知 7、妇孺( )皆知 8、马革裹( )尸 8、鞠( )躬尽瘁( ) 9、弥.( )高 10、风悲日曛 ( ) 12、勒.( )功16、丛山叠.( )岭 17、锲( )而不舍 18、兀兀..( )穷年19、群蚁排衙.( ) 20、沥.( )尽心血头 21、校( )补 22、迥.( )乎不同 23、一反既( )往 43、脚踝( ) 23、迭.( )起 24、气冲斗牛( )25、衰.( )微 42、荒谬( ) 26、赫( )然 27、潜心贯( )注 28、慷慨( )淋
- 英语翻译From English into Chinese (1) Standing credit (2) Entertain a claim (3) CIF (4) With particular average(5) Leading importer (6) Shipping mark(7 Purchase Contract(8) T.P.N.D(9) Advice of charge(10) Private & Confidential (11) Documentary bill(12) Illustrated catalog(13) Favorable price(14) Foul bill of lading(15)In quadruplicate(16) Seaworthy(17) Counter-offer(18) Ordering bank(19) Weight or measurement(20) Marine bill of ladingFrom Chinese into En
- 根据意思填空:1.(姓名、事件、精神等)永远流传,不可磨灭 2.不能够用语言形容 3.宏伟美丽4.形容原有的东西完全失去 5.伟大的功绩 6.脸色像泥土一样,形容极端惊恐 7.上天不会断绝人的生路,比喻身处绝境,终能找到出路 8.形容人老实本分 9.微小而不值一提10.离开了队伍 11.穷困愁苦,颓丧失意 12.形容十分精妙逼真 13.精巧美妙到了极点,其他的无法与之相比 14.没有料到,形容意外 15.没有相同的;没有可以相比的16.根据不同地区的具体情况,规定适宜的办法 17.另一种巧妙的心思 18.比喻人民极其痛苦的生活处境 19.形容整齐有序 20.相差很远 ,很不相同 21.形容东西精致,造型奇特巧妙 22.形容不断的循环往复 23.本领高强,无所不能 24.形容非常赞赏 25.相处没有冲突 26.灿烂多彩 27.事物要适应自然的选择 28.心里一点不受感动,一点也不心动 29.说起来没完没了 30.塞住耳朵不听,形容不愿听取别人的意见 31.虽然看见了却好像没看见一样.显然对眼前事物漠
- 17+18+19+20+21+22+23+24=( )×( )=( ) 120+130+140+150+160+170=( )×( )=( )
- 零点到五点属于什么时段如题:如下:case "6","7","8","9","10","11" n="上午"case "12","7","8","9","10","11" n="中午"case "13","14","15","16","17" n="下午"case "18","19","20","21","22","23" n="晚上"case "0","1","2","3","4","5" n="?"
- 为什么传递函数分母多项式阶次大于分子多项式阶次
- 2sin50°+2cos50° 为什么等于 2根号2(50°+45°)