

1 今晚 去离你家比较近的地方吃饭吧 我请你
2 你们家附近有什么 好吃的地方 / 好玩的地方吗?
3 你最近什么时候有空?我们出来聊聊天,吃个饭.
4 你尽快告诉我吃饭的时间,和地点.我准时到.

1 今晚 去离你家比较近的地方吃饭吧 我请你
Let's have dinner in the restaurant near your's tonight,shall we?My treat.
2 你们家附近有什么 好吃的地方 / 好玩的地方吗?
Is there any place with delicious food/ interesting place near your's?
3 你最近什么时候有空?我们出来聊聊天,吃个饭.
When will you be free tgese days?Let's come out for a talk and meal.
4 你尽快告诉我吃饭的时间,和地点.我准时到.
Tell me the place and time for the meal as soon as possilble.I'll be there on time.