英语论文 求英语达人帮忙修改语法错误 句子结构问题


英语论文 求英语达人帮忙修改语法错误 句子结构问题
Both Paul R.and Anne H.Ehrlich (1997) stated that population growth must take responsibility for about 45% of human being’s environment perils.And two major challenges presented by overpopulation cause environmental perils:First is the air population.According to Frumkrin’s (2002,volume 117) report,one of the main features of overpopulation is driving.Motor vehicles are the leading source of air pollution,which account for approximately 30% of emissions of oxides of nitrogen,and 30% of hydrocarbon emissions all over the whole world.
Second is the resource consumption.The World Population Balance’s website (2010) describes that the total population (over 6.8 billion) are consuming about more 25% resources than the earth is producing,during any given time period,most of the resources are non-renewable resources.And several nations have developed the prosperity at the expense of depleting natural resources especially in developed nations.Because most of these nations are population explosion,and the development is advancing at a staggering speed in rich countries,not only could they depend on the land in their own nations,but also they consume more resources imported from other nations,take theNetherlandsfor example.TheNetherlandsis a major importer of minerals,antimony,bauxite,copper,etc.,and they built their wealth exploiting more non-renewable resources.Before World War II,they drew raw materials from their colonies,however,today when the gas energy is exhausted; they still depend heavily on resources from the rest of the world,which stretch resources to the limit (Paul & Anne Ehrlich,1997).

Both Paul R.and Anne H.Ehrlich (1997) stated that population growth take responsibility for about 45% of human being’s environment perils.There are two major environmantal challenges resulting from o...