

Dole and Barber [4] noted the one factor upon which most researchers are united.This factor is that students should have useful feedback.While a grade is one form of feedback,additional written or verbal comments provide corrective action and motivation for the student.Homework with instructor comments is typically positively correlated to higher achievement.Ungraded homework exhibited noticeably lower achievement.While there is some question on how much feedback to include on any one returned assignment,the current philosophy is to limit comments to the most important three to five items.The items should include positive as well as negative comments to reinforce positive behavior as well as correct errors.
Before deciding what mix of goals to utilize in future homework assignments,there are several inter-related administration factors which should be considered.A few of them are 1) method and quality of feedback,2) time required to accomplish (yours and theirs) the assignment,3) type of evaluation,and 4) frequency of assignment and of evaluation.
