选择填空:1.There's__"f" in the word "flower" a.a b.an c.the d./


选择填空:1.There's__"f" in the word "flower" a.a b.an c.the d./
2.Peter is my good friend.He is never late__ school a.in b.on c.for d.at
3.Tom's sister studies very hard.She always does__homework carefully a.his b.she c.him d.her
4.What__he usually__for lunch at school?a.does;has b.does;do c.does;have d.do;have
5.---Must I get up so early,Mum?
---No,you___,tomorrow is Saturday a.can't b.may not c.mustn't d.needn't
6.Mr Black,__my English teacher a.she is b.he is c.this is d.that is
7.My father likes__TV a.looking b.seeing c.watching d.to wtching
8.My cousiin and___good at Chinese a.are all b.both are c.all are d.are both
9.Mrs Zhang___your help.She can do it herself a.needn't b.don't need c.doesn't need d.need
10.More than half of the students have lunch__the cafeteria a.to b.with c.on d.in
11.Tina is new here.She wants to__ a.observes the school rule b.know school rule c.observe the school rules d.make school rules
12.--___I take this dictionary out of of the reading room?
-- No,you can't a.Could b.May c.Must d.Need
13.--Can I eat chocolate before going to bed?
--_____ a.I'm sorry you can b.I'm afraid c.Certainly d.I'm afraid not

2-5 CDCD
6-10 BCDCD
11-13 CBD1.There's__"f" in the word "flower" a.a b.an c.the d./第1小题也需要选择答案的B