


I beg that you all know the saying "no pain no gain".If you do not ,it maybe because you are a fool.Now let us think about the sentence.It is exactly explain that if you do not try hard ,it is hardly for you to get success.There a lot of of examples that i do not want to list one by one.Just think if you do not spend time on study ,how could you pass the exam ,much less win the rewards.
差不多了吧,应该够你炫耀的啦这个与爱拼才会赢有关系么?……我要驳倒对方“爱赢才会拼”的观点。你说出去就行了,而且,我说的就是努力才能收获成功的意思啊。联系不上吗??。。你只要把自己的观点表达出来,然后稍微的讽刺下对方的观点就不行了,不要过多的在意对方的理论谢谢你了,There a lot of of examples that i do not want to list one by one,这一句少了个be动词are。