

难,因为是外语,我们中国人学习外国人的语言,没有语言环境,当然有一定的难度.但也不是难到学不好的程度,只要我们肯下工夫,把握准确的方法,持之以恒,就一定能把英语学好.汉语说:世上无难事,只怕有心人.英语中也有:Nothing is too difficult if you put your heart in it.所以大家要树立信心,相信自己,心里永远想着:我能行,我是最棒的,这样就能克服困难,就一定可以学好英语.

Do you think English is difficult to learn?
Difficult, because it is foreign language, we Chinese learn foreign language, no language environment, of course, quite difficult. It is not difficult to learn the extent of bad, as long as we are willing to make efforts to grasp an accurate method of perseverance, we will be able to learn English well.Chinese said: Nothing is difficult, can certainly be done. English has: Nothing is too difficult if you put your heart in it. Therefore, we must establish confidence that their hearts would always remember: I can do it, I'm the best, this way we can overcome the difficulties, we will be able to learn English