The new days are coming!Don't worry.All of the fans will support the team foreverThis year,I think I have a great summer.Let us meet in Brazil,2014.That day,we will togther witness the Germany win the championship.再加一些祝福德国足球队的话!


The new days are coming!Don't worry.
All of the fans will support the team forever
This year,I think I have a great summer.
Let us meet in Brazil,2014.
That day,we will togther witness the Germany win the championship.

This year,I think I have a great summer此句应改为This year.I think I will have a great summer.That day,we will togther witness the Germany win the championship.此句应该为On that day,we will witness the success of Germany together.

Don't be upset!
Tomorrow will be another day!
I had a really good season this year.
See you in Brazil in 2014!
Let's witness Germany to win back the championship by then!
God bless the German team!