求英语语法改错Along with the rapid economic development,modern material standard of living rise,people of the quality of life,and higher demand for a living environment pursuit of higher level has also become a kind of rationalization,more people are satisfied the basis of physical environment,pursue the spiritual and cultural aspects of satisfy.Meanwhile technological progress accompanied by a series of serious environmental problems,to human survival space


Along with the rapid economic development,modern material standard of living rise,people of the quality of life,and higher demand for a living environment pursuit of higher level has also become a kind of rationalization,more people are satisfied the basis of physical environment,pursue the spiritual and cultural aspects of satisfy.Meanwhile technological progress accompanied by a series of serious environmental problems,to human survival space brings serious threats,also let people started to rethink the relationship between man and the environment.Beautiful living environment but also related to a city of integral environment level and quality.
This article through to the location and surrounding environment is analysed and functional partition,road planning,landscape design,prominent humanity as design concept,so as to explore melts ecology,leisure,economic integration in the optimization of village landscape design.

1 rise 后面加s
2 people of the quality of life从属关系搞反了,应为the quality of people’s life 或者 people’s quality of life
3 satisfied 后面加with
4 aspects of satisfy.改为aspects of satisfaction
5 brings serious threats改为brings serious threats
6 通篇文章都没有使用过去式的意思,所以started to改为start to


also let people started to rethink 应改为let people start 使用let sb do句式
第二段第一句话and 什么什么后面的be动词应该是are.


Along with the rapid economic development,people's living standard has been greatly improved.Besides,it has become a trend that people are pursuing a high level living standard and a more comfortable environment.Despite pursue of material satisfaction,they also eager to be satisfied in spirit and knowledge acquirement.Meanwhile,accompanied with the technology development,new technologies bring a series of environmental problems which have threaten human being’s survive.Thus,people aware that people cannot live without environment.
前半段 后面得我实在不知道怎么改了 要不直接来中文算了
