

1.The refusal to recognize pre-established social and cultural boundaries is
essentially what the discourses of cultural translation would be doing when they position themselves in the in-between space of cultures.Translation sociology
challenges the borders to manifest themselves,as indeed would the hybrid
discourses of cultural translation.
2.The emphasis on translation as the formation of power relations clearly also
fits in with postcolonial problematics,particularly as far as relations between
cultural groups are concerned.
3.If the building block of power relations is the process by which one social actor
presumes to or is made to “speak on behalf of another,” is this not precisely
what all translations are presumed or made to do?This might pose the
interesting question of why not all translators accrue the social power gained by
those who presume to speak on behalf of science.
4.The networks in which translators tend to work are so small,so intercultural
and so marked by cultural hybridity that they are ill-served by the classical
sociologies of societies or indeed sociologies of systems (cf.Luhmann) and
structurally defined social groups (cf.Bourdieu).Translation sociology would
seem well suited to such an object.
5.The recognition that networks extend to and include the sociologist (or any
other analyst) fits in not only with the general sense of involvement found in the
theorists of cultural translation,but also with action research (largely influencing
the field of translator education) and indeed psychoanalytical approaches.
另外第一个小点中的第一句话,what the discourses of cultural translation would be doing when they position themselves in the in-between space of cultures在这句子里做什么成份?

"what the discourses .in-between space of cultures"我觉得是代表了"what the discourses of cultural translation would be doing "中的donging吧,不知对不对?