

45 The girl is ___travel aroud the world.A old B enough old C enough old to D old enough to42 If you have any ideas ___,please return them to him .A whose gloves these are B whose gloves is this C whose gloves are these D whose gloves this is 39 ---Where is the shoe shop?---Take the elevator___the second floor and turn left.And the shoe shop is ___the furniture store and the drug store.A at ;next to B at ;betweenC to ;betweenD to ;next to

45 enough +adj+to do sth 这是一个固定机构;表示有足够的.去做某事 答案C42 由题目可知,四个选项在句子中做idea的修辞语.那么这样的话,这个结构就是疑问词+主+系 后半句them 表明不是单数,要用复数形式 答案A39 ta...