英语翻译我们工程师查看你寄来的物料后有以下几点疑问:1.这个trim kit 是的制造商是来自那的?是中国供应商?还是国外本地制造?2.请问是否一定要copy出一模一样trim kit 我们工程师觉得有些地方可以参照制作,但有些地方我们可以用另一种方法或材料来代替以便节约成本(模具费).3.请问底板上的4个角各有2个孔,请问是起什么作用?用来固定?总体来说,我们工程师已经大概了解这个trim kit材料和构造了.待我们收集上述资料后,我们工程师会再次研究讨论,然后尽快发一份详细的开发内容给你参考,


1.这个trim kit 是的制造商是来自那的?是中国供应商?还是国外本地制造?
2.请问是否一定要copy出一模一样trim kit 我们工程师觉得有些地方可以参照制作,但有些地方我们可以用另一种方法或材料来代替以便节约成本(模具费).
总体来说,我们工程师已经大概了解这个trim kit材料和构造了.待我们收集上述资料后,我们工程师会再次研究讨论,然后尽快发一份详细的开发内容给你参考,

Our engineer(s) has/have a few questions after checking the material you sent:

Where is the supplier of this trim ket, are they from China or abroad?

Please advise if the exact same sample need to be copied? Our engineer thinks that we do not have to copy the exact same one, we can use another craft or material to save costs ( the cost of mold)

Please advise the function of the holes in the 4 corners? are the used for fixation?

Overall, our engineer has a general understading of the trim kit material and structure. After we solve the questions above, we will have another meeting with our engineer and give you a specific R&D report for your references, thanks!
