

1.remittances are unplanned mechanisms for transferring capital and redistributing wealth across a wide crosssection of families,primarily poor families
2.Often relatively poor immigrants and even refugees struggling to meet self-sufficiency requirements are sending money and goods to family,without their social work`s knowledge.
3.When discovered there is a danger that the immigrant`s understanding of family and family obligations will conflict with those of the host-country social worker or social welfare institutions,suggesting another area for cross-cultural understanding.

第二句应该是:social worker`s knowledge
1 *汇款是给家庭, 主要是给那些贫困家庭横向转移资金或重新分配财富的非经筹划的机制.
3. 当发现有危险时,移民对家庭的看法和家庭所应担当的责任常常与所在国的社会工作者或者社会福利机构对这些问题的看法相冲突, 由此而提出跨文化理解的另一领域.