英语翻成汉语Once upon a time,there was a little girl called Nuwa.Her father was Emperor Yan and be loved her very much.So they always played together.One day nuwa played .she was on the sea and her boat.Just before she was buried by the surging waves,her spirit turned into a beautiful bird.Her father watched the birl very tried.Finally,she decided to fill the sea.


Once upon a time,there was a little girl called Nuwa.Her father was Emperor Yan and be loved her very much.So they always played together.One day nuwa played .she was on the sea and her boat.Just before she was buried by the surging waves,her spirit turned into a beautiful bird.Her father watched the birl very tried.Finally,she decided to fill the sea.


从前,有个叫女娲的小女孩. 他的父亲是炎帝. 他深爱着她(这个女儿) 因此,他们总是在一起玩. 一天女娲玩耍,她在海上乘坐在她的船上. 在她被波涛汹涌的巨浪淹没之前,她的灵魂变成了一只漂亮的鸟. 她的父亲看到那只鸟很疲劳( tired). 最后她决定填海
哈哈, 应该是: 精卫填海, 女娲补天呀
