although,though ,


although,though ,

  Einstein cared little for money,though he could have been very rich.尽管爱因斯坦本可以成为非常富有的人,但他对金钱却不感兴趣.(though引导的情况是假设的而不是事实.)
  He will never do such a thing though he (should) be forced to.即使强迫他,他也决不会干这样的事.(注意:不能用is)
Young though she is,yet she is fit for the job.(=Young as she is,yet she is fit for the job.)尽管她很年轻,可她还是胜任这项工作的.
  Though alone,he is happy.虽然他独自一人,却很幸福.
注意:Though loving him,I can not help him.是错句.因为从句不是be构成的系表结构作谓语.应改为:Though I love him,I can not help him.或Though fond of him,I can not help him.
7.though还可与别的词结合使用,如even though,as though等;although则无这种搭配功能.如:
  I’ll go and help them even though I stop my work.即使我停下自己的活不干,我也要去帮助他们.
8.though还可作并列连词,相当于and yet(然而,可是),它引导的分句常对另一分句起补充说明作用;although则无这种用法.如:
  I wouldn’t like to go to the evening,though they will invite me to.我不想去参加晚会,可是他们要请我去.
  They now can do most of the things people can do,though most scientists agree that computers can not completely take the place of humans.人们能做的大部分工作,计算机现在都能做,然而大多数科学家认为,计算机并不能完全代替人类.
  He said he would come,he didn’t,though.他说要来却没来.