英语翻译爱情就像酝酿故事的海洋,创造出了一个个甜蜜和伤心,虚虚实实,好比是落叶,看似在飞,其实在坠落,而有些人在爱情城堡的外围或是*,就会常常出现远视的症状,远处的看得很清楚,而那些近在咫尺的却看不清,如同遗失的美好,只有真正错过后才会发现不好意思。Jerry_yangziyu 网友朋友,请不要用翻译器


不好意思。Jerry_yangziyu 网友朋友,请不要用翻译器

Love is like the ocean who can brew story ,create a sweet and sad one.Emptiness and truth is like the falling leaves that would be seeming in flight,but in fact, they are falling .There are some person the love castle in the central or peripheral, it will often appear Symptoms of hyperopia that the distance to see clearly but those nearby on contrary. As the loss of the good things,just be found when it's really missing.

Love just like the ocean incubating the stories,creating the sweetness and sadness one after another,sometimes false,sometimes true,just like the fallen leaves,seems like flying,in fact is falling,how...