


Dear Comrades!Wise and beloved leader Deng Xiaoping,vice chairman of China's important speech,Fangyi's report.I want to express my sincere and warm support of joy.Our national history as the most brilliant scientific spring has arrived.I was born in the last century,will attend the meeting with mixed feelings,a myriad of thoughts.In the old society,the number of people engaged in scientific and cultural undertakings were fascinated with the country's prosperity,national rejuvenation,scientific and cultural prosperity.However,in those dark days,where there is a scientific position,where scientists in the way!Science and scientists have been in the old society,but is destroyed and humiliated.Feudal dynasty ruin it,it ruined the Northern warlords,the Kuomintang reactionaries destroy it.We participated in the "May 4 Movement",and shouted slogans over the development of science and the results are just a dream.A large number of people with lofty ideals,throw their anger and bitterness million,and not want to do something that is of no avail.Many of us in this dark history,lifestyle,struggled to overcome a lifetime.Great leaders and the leadership of the * Party of China,Chairman Mao instructors arduous struggle,the establishment of the New China,people have been liberated,liberated by science.Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou personally planning the construction of China's modern socialist nation with a grand blueprint given to science and scientific workers meticulous care.With the rapid development of China's scientific undertakings.Recalling those scenes,one after another,every piece of the past are well up in my mind,it seems like it is now.Drinking water source,how can we not also grateful dearly cherish and respect for the great leader Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou!The evils of the "Gang of Four" great destruction of the scientific work on science workers to persecution,attempt to re-introduce our motherland back to ignorance,backwardness and darkness to the old society.However,"easy to talk like an ant trying to topple a giant tree." China headed by the President of the CPC Central Committee,a group engaged in a move to wipe out Hairenchong,so we got a second liberation.Now,we can surely say that the kind of scenario reactionaries destroy science,is gone forever!Science in the spring has arrived!From my life experience,I realize an undeniable truth :only socialism can liberate science,Only in a scientific basis for building socialism.Science needs socialism,which need more scientific.Today is gratifying to see such a scene is very sad and excited."These old eyes for the evening Chung Hei,Castle Peak afterglow stretch out."Dear Mr Vice glorious epic full expression to the feelings of our generation.Development of the Chinese nation in the history of human civilization,there have been outstanding contributions.Now,under the leadership of the CPC,and we are experiencing a great revival.Engels once said when talking about 16th century European Renaissance,which is a giant but a giant needs of the times.Today,we have the great socialist revolution and construction,it is more necessary for a large number of socialist-era giant.We have not only the political,cultural giant,we also need a giant natural sciences and other areas.We believe this will be the emergence of a large number of giant.Science is pragmatic.Scientific knowledge is honest and does not allow for false that needs to be done arduous labor.Meanwhile,science also need to create the need fantasies,illusions can break the shackles of tradition,they can develop science.Scientific workers Comrades,you should not allow poets to monopolize the fantasy.Moon,dragon palace Granted,the many illusions "Feng Shen Romance" through science,most of today become a reality.Great astronomers Copernicus :the courage to explore the truth in the vocation.Chinese people have always been courageous exploration and courage,the courage to revolution.We must break stereotypes,the way to open up the country's scientific development.Not only wishful thinking,seek truth from facts,this is the unique style of scientific workers.Let us explore the endless river of infinite universe,the truth!I wish we,the older generation of scientists healthy and strong,wise leaders with the President-a new long march.Scientific for the establishment of a new skill,to create new scientific talent to make contributions.I wish the middle-aged generation of scientists hard Revolution dedicated,and climb up the summit of science in the world.You catch up with the world's advanced level is the backbone to come.Our forefathers could "head of the thigh,cone beam," worked very hard to learn,you have to the great ideal of communism.will be more dedicated clock and overcome problems.Catching up,the key is time.Time is life,is speed,time is power.Take advantage of your prime time,and make more contribution to the people!I wish the country's young people to dedicate themselves to the grand cause of communism determined,and strive to develop a revolutionary ideals.truly learn modern science and technology to study hard for the glory,not to make progress as shameless.You are the rising sun,is pinning its hopes on you.You will increase the scientific revolution installed,the revolutionaries of the older generation of scientists and the torch goes,rich,but better than blue.I speak of this,is not so much the voice of an old scientific workers without Lai said expectations of a magnum opus.This great historical opus,pending scientific workers and the people of all nationalities throughout all of us to continue our efforts to create.It is not written in the paper is limited,but included in the infinite cosmos.The vernal equinox just past,the Qingming Festival is just around the corner."Jiang bonuses victory sunrise fire,as the Blue Spring Green River." This is a revolution in the spring,it is the people in the spring,the spring of this is science!Let us open arms to embrace the warm spring!