

首先,这个pallets 不是属于我们公司的东西,你需要额外购买它们,至于价格,我可以帮你咨询下如果你确定要购买的话.其次,如果在装柜里添加了9 or 10个pallets,装柜量将发生变化,可能只能装载160pcs?5mA已经是一个非常严格的标准,( 其他厂家一般都有5mA\10mA\15mA的标准); 生产线打10S是按照1500V做的,比1000V 1MIN严格,因为在生产线需要时间,不可能打1分钟.

  First of all, the pallets are not belong to our company, you need to purchase them for extra, as for the price, I can help you consult if youdetermine to buy. Second, if9 or 10 pallets added in the container, the container quantity will change, can only load 160 PCS. 5 mA is already a very strict standards, (other factories usually have 5mA\10mA\15mA standards); Line 10 s is in accordance with the 1500 v, which is stricter than 1000V 1MIN, because time is needed in the production line, can't make for 1 minute.