


Urbanization has brought to the city of lakes and great water pollution,mainly caused by the city of its own by-product of urbanization,pollution and the pollution.By August 2010 the participation of nine River in Chongqing City (suburb of urbanization) and the disc River (urban,urbanization) a few times before and after rainfall water quality monitoring and analysis of different regions and urbanization process Rainfall before and after the process of the same city water quality characteristics of the region to discuss the process of urbanization on river water quality impact can not be ignored,the results show that:
1.the process of urbanization in different regions of the water quality analysis,that panel River's water quality is worse than nine river water quality,mainly in the SS,TN,TP and ammonia nitrogen index high;
2.urbanized area of the same water quality analysis before and after rainfall,runoff pollution that the water quality of the disc River deteriorated significantly the role of urbanization led to increased pollution,urban runoff,affecting water quality,mainly in the SS,COD,TP And high ammonia nitrogen index;
3.Urbanization apparent effect on river water quality is reflected in the construction of the city caused water quality changes in urban and suburban areas,the specific performance of urban runoff pollution on river water quality,embodied in the SS and the TP changes.