

1:Try a little to stretch yourself and intergrate into the greater society around you.
2:The sun heats the earth,which makes it possible for plants to grow.
3:WANTED:A Beijing girl as secretary,by a foreign frim in Chaoyang District;must write good hand-writing,speak fluent oral English and be good at computer operation.Apply by letter accompanied with a resume.Box 1208.Business Center Office.
4:在高楼、立交桥和轨道交通等方面,上海和国外大都市都很相像.(in terms of)
5:这两个花瓶太像了,人们分不清哪个是塑料的,哪个是瓷的.(bear a similarity to)
7:那个小孩子坐在书桌前,好像在认真做作业似的.(as if)




Shanghai is similar like foreign metropolis in terms of tall bulidings, overpasses, track traffic and so on.

The two vases bear such similary to each other that people couldn't tell which one is plastic and which one is porcelain.

The theories from the books are uesless, and the best way is to combine the theories with the practical work.

That small chile sat before the desk as if he were doing his homework carefully.