

Conder was more than just a teacher and architect.He was also a student of Japanese arts and culture,which he wrote about.His books,such as Landscape Gardening in Japan(1893) and Paintings and Studies by Kyosai Kawanabe(1911),helped popularize Japanese arts abroad.He studied painting under Kawanabe for eight years,took up Japanese dance,studied Rakugo,and took part in Kabuki plays.
Unlike other foreign experts,who often returned home after their students had become sufficiently skilled,Conder decided to remain in Japan.In 1881 ,he married his dance teacher,Kume Mayeba.He spent the rest of his life in Tokyo and died on June 10,1920,at his home near Roppongi.He and his wife are buried in Gokoku-ji Cemetery.
The legacy of Josiah Conder as the promoter of Western-style architecture in Japan is a strong one.In addition to the surviving Conder-designed buildings in Tokyo,a statue built to honor him can be seen on the campus of Tokyo University.

康达不仅是一名老师和建筑师,他还是日本艺术与文化课的一名学生,这是他在书中提到过的.他的一些书,如《日本造园术-1893》和《Kyosai Kawanabe的绘画及研究-1911》,使日本艺术在国外得到推广.他师从Kawanabe学习绘画达八年,并且参加一些日本舞会和歌舞伎表演,对落语进行了研究.
其他的外国专家等到自己的学生充分熟练之后会选择回国,但康达没有这样做,他决定继续留在日本.1881年,他跟自己的舞蹈老师Kume Mayeba结婚并且在东京度过了余生直到1920年10月死在六木本他的家中.他和他的妻子被埋葬在Gokoku-ji公墓.