

Forecasting Trends
Fashion trends are directions in which fashion styling is moving.Because most fashion products and retailers want their merchandise to fit into the mainstream of fashion,and because they must work so far ahead of the selling season,they must learn to be fashion-trend forecasters.Fashion forecasters have to identify and analyze signs indicating change.They base their judgment on experience,awareness of trendsetting designers,fashion cycles,and economic,social,and technological influences on both the garment industry and the consumer.Fashion forecasters must do all of the following:
Decide which fashions are prophetic.
Estimate which segment of the market will accept a particular fashion.
Determine at what time these fashions will be acceptable to target customers.
7.The Sample Machinist
The sample machinist is a vital member of the team as she ‘realizes’ and ‘proves’ the work of the other two.Her specific job is to assemble toiles and sample garments as efficiently as possible,achieving the degree of quality standards which are required for final production.She is expected to have had experience in the tailoring samples,and both the pattern maker and the designer rely on her initiative to keep them informed or any problem foreseen or any adjustments that might be necessary in the early stages of development.
This team is the source from which steam not only all the original design ideas but also subsequently copies of the originals produced in large quantities.Expertise in this aspect of the work is therefore essential.The company for which the individual members of the team work stands or falls on the results of their efforts.

趋势预测时尚流行趋势是 时装款式前进的方向.因为大多数的时装生产商和销售商都希望他们的产品能够紧跟时尚主流.又因为在销售季节 很早之前就要开始工作,所以他们必须要学会成为预测流行趋势者.趋势预测者 必须识别...