英语翻译1发(高)烧 2生病住院 3我的后背疼(pain) 4情绪低落(spirit) 5咳嗽(的列害)(have got/have) 6呼吸新鲜的空气 7屏住呼吸 8深呼吸 9患感冒 10扮演一个角色 11由于生病,黎明今天没有来上学 12我认为这个消息是真的 13be supposed to do sth 14我们理应彼此帮助 15穿衣 16我这儿疼 17不能上学 18我会一天服三次那种药 19他肯定病了,我希望他将很快好起来 20我感觉不舒服 21你现在感觉怎么样 22我无法通过鼻子呼吸 24感觉好多了 25保持健康 26与.不同 27足够的水 28制作一张有人吸烟的海报 29在公共场合 30我妈妈允许我玩电脑游戏 31吸烟在一些公共场合是不被允许的 32生病 33多喝些水,好好休息 34严重的疾病 35他告诉我要和足够的水并且要好好休息 36我的哥哥生病的了重感冒 37我睡了一整天 38在这个事故当中有30人失去了生命


1发(高)烧 2生病住院 3我的后背疼(pain) 4情绪低落(spirit) 5咳嗽(的列害)(have got/have) 6呼吸新鲜的空气 7屏住呼吸 8深呼吸 9患感冒 10扮演一个角色 11由于生病,黎明今天没有来上学 12我认为这个消息是真的 13be supposed to do sth 14我们理应彼此帮助 15穿衣 16我这儿疼 17不能上学 18我会一天服三次那种药 19他肯定病了,我希望他将很快好起来 20我感觉不舒服 21你现在感觉怎么样 22我无法通过鼻子呼吸 24感觉好多了 25保持健康 26与.不同 27足够的水 28制作一张有人吸烟的海报 29在公共场合 30我妈妈允许我玩电脑游戏 31吸烟在一些公共场合是不被允许的 32生病 33多喝些水,好好休息 34严重的疾病 35他告诉我要和足够的水并且要好好休息 36我的哥哥生病的了重感冒 37我睡了一整天 38在这个事故当中有30人失去了生命

1 round (high) burns 2 falls ill is hospitalized 3 my backs hurt (pain) 4 fall in the blues (spirit) 5 coughs (row evil) (have got/have) 6 breath fresh air 7 screens to live breathes 8 deep breathing 9 to contract cold 10 to play a role 11, because falls ill, daybreak today has not come to go to school 12 I to think that this news was real 13be supposed to do sth 14 we should each other help 15 to put on clothes 16 here to hurt 17 cannot go to school 18 I to meet one day of clothing three that medicine 19 him definitely to get sick, I hoped that he very will quickly be good 20 I to feel the uncomfortable 21 your presentFelt that what kind of 22 I was unable through the nose to breathe 24 feelings to be much better 25 maintain the health 26 and .The different 27 enough water 28 manufacture the playbill which some people smoke 29 in public area 30 my mother to allow me to play computer games 31 smoking in some public areas not to allow 32 to fall ill more than 33 drinks a water, rests 34 serious disease 35 he to tell me well to with the enough water, and must rest 36 my brother to fall ill well heavy cold 37 I to rest one 38 had 30 people in the middle of this accident to lose life all day