用给的词组造句1.get in the way of2.be serious about3.spend time on sth 4.as much as5.allow sb to do sth


1.get in the way of
2.be serious about
3.spend time on sth
4.as much as
5.allow sb to do sth

1) I won't let my bad mood to get in the way of my speech later.
2) The Minister are serious about the proposal he recommended to the government.
3) Doctors has spent plenty time on the issues as how to quit smoking.
4) Please don't worried as much as I do.
5) The local police has allowed the workers to stage a protest.

1.get in the way ofDon't let your fear get in the way of your success.2.be serious aboutYou need to be serious about your study if you want to succeed.3.spend time on sthIt is better to spend time on ...