英语 (28 10:16:17)
英语 (28 10:16:17)
Were there any letters to me when I was out
- 时间:23:35 8:40 17:05 2:30 13:10 4:25 18:20 10:59 用英语怎么表达
- 2012广东高考英语语法填空答案疑问17题为什么是would buy而不是had bought;;22题为什么是which而不是who;;24题为什么是if/whether而不是what原文和我做的答案:Mary will ever forget the firsttime she saw him.He suddenly appeared in class one day ,__16wearing_(wear) sun glasses .He walked in as if he __17would buy(had bought?)___(buy) the school,And the word quickly got around that he was from New York City.For some reason he sat besideMary.Mary felt _____18pleased_ (please),because there were many empty seat
- 英语翻译Please see the attached picture and quote your best price on the basis of cnf dubai c1%.We can make payment terms as 10% + 90%.Quantity will be 1 x 20ft full container of all sizes 6,8,10,12,16 and 20.
- 广东省2012英语试卷的语法填空第20空应该填什么?Mary will ever forget the first time she saw him .He suddenly appeared in class one day ,__16_(wear) sun glasses .He walked in as if he __17___(buy) the school ,And the word quickly got around that he was from New Youk City .For some reason he sat beside Mary.Mary felt _____18_(please ),because there were many empty seats in the room .But she quickly realized that it wasn’t her ,it was probably the fact that she sat in __19__
- ●●●●●一道英语选择题16●●●●●17One day Jim walked along _____ towards his boat.A.sand B.the sands C.sands D.the sand
- 根据以下10个乘积,11×29 12×28 13×27 14×26 15×25 16×24 17×23 18×2219×21 20×20 (1):试将以上各乘积分别写成“一个数的平方-另一个数的平方”(平方差公式:a的平方-b的平方)的形式,并将以上十个乘积按照从小到大的顺序排列起来.(2):若乘积的两个因数分别用字母a、b(a、b为正数)表示,请给出ab与a+b的关系式;(不要求证明)打不出来的符号用语言描述
- 一、单选题(共 5 道试题,共 30 分.)V 1.曲线y=x^2+x-2在点(1.5,1.75)处的切线方程为( )A.16x-4y-17=0B.16x+4y-31=0C.2x-8y+11=0D.2x+8y-17=0满分:6 分2.设总收益函数R(Q)=40Q-Q^2,则当Q=15时的边际收益是( )A.0B.10C.25D.375满分:6 分3.如果函数f(x)的定义域为(0,1)则下列函数中,定义域为(-1,0)的为:()A.f(1-x)B.f(1+x)C.f(sinx)D.f(cosx)满分:6 分4.一枚硬币前后掷两次所出现可能结果的全部所组成的集合,可表示为A.{正面,反面}B.{(正面,正面)、(反面,反面)}C.{(正面,反面)、(反面,正面)}D.{(正面,正面)、(反面,正面)、(正面,反面)、(反面,反面)}满分:6 分5.y=x+arctanx的单调增区间为A.(0,+∞)B.(-∞,+∞)C.(-∞,0)D.(0,1)满分:6 分二、判断题(共 10 道试题,共 70 分
- 一道数学题,理解解答,谢谢,过程要写出来,不要复杂日 一 二 三 四 五 六 1 2 34 5 6 7 8 9 10 —————11|12 13 14|15 16 1718|19 20 21|22 23 24 —————25 26 27 28 29 30如上图,在日历上任意框出6个数.现框出的6个数的和是75,框出的6个数分别是多少?
- 七年级人教版语文第三单元基础知识归纳复习卷七七七七年级年级年级年级下下下下册语文册语文册语文册语文第第第第三三三三单元单元单元单元基础知识基础知识基础知识基础知识复习复习复习复习测试测试测试测试 一一一一、、、、给下列加点词注音给下列加点词注音给下列加点词注音给下列加点词注音,并注意并注意并注意并注意其字形其字形其字形其字形.1、宰.( )割 2、筹.( )划. 3、彷徨( )( ) 4、仰慕( ) 5、可歌可泣( ) 6、鲜.( )为人知 7、妇孺( )皆知 8、马革裹( )尸 8、鞠( )躬尽瘁( ) 9、弥.( )高 10、风悲日曛 ( ) 12、勒.( )功16、丛山叠.( )岭 17、锲( )而不舍 18、兀兀..( )穷年19、群蚁排衙.( ) 20、沥.( )尽心血头 21、校( )补 22、迥.( )乎不同 23、一反既( )往 43、脚踝( ) 23、迭.( )起 24、气冲斗牛( )25、衰.( )微 42、荒谬( ) 26、赫( )然 27、潜心贯( )注 28、慷慨( )淋
- 英语翻译From English into Chinese (1) Standing credit (2) Entertain a claim (3) CIF (4) With particular average(5) Leading importer (6) Shipping mark(7 Purchase Contract(8) T.P.N.D(9) Advice of charge(10) Private & Confidential (11) Documentary bill(12) Illustrated catalog(13) Favorable price(14) Foul bill of lading(15)In quadruplicate(16) Seaworthy(17) Counter-offer(18) Ordering bank(19) Weight or measurement(20) Marine bill of ladingFrom Chinese into En
- 从中国写信到美国,具体格式是什么?从收信人到寄信人的都说一下!
- 一首英文歌,中文意思是‘世界末日’,开头第一句好像是‘Why does the sun go on shining’