

For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes towrite a short essay on the topic of “PM2.5”.You should write at least 120words following the outline given bellow:
The air quality of ourlives:
There is no denying that withan increasing number of society`s economic,the air quality of our lives hasbecome a matter of concern nowadays.
As we can see from the fact,the bigger the city is,the worse the airquality is.Of course,in our emerging country,the reasons of leading to air pollutionare massive.From the point of my view,on the top of the list is that more andmore cars have been used by individuals in the street.There is the other pointI have to touch a great number of factory has been founded by character orAdministration in our country.
As to how to confront the problem of air pollution,I harbor the ideathat folks had better to take bus or go on foot for going to work,rather thantake cars of thierself,which is just easy.
