关于暑假怎么过的英语作文!(要高手啊)拜托了各位 谢谢要有过去式和频率副词、、然后带翻译 60词左右


关于暑假怎么过的英语作文!(要高手啊)拜托了各位 谢谢
要有过去式和频率副词、、然后带翻译 60词左右

试试这个:标题:How Did I Spent My Summer?我的暑假怎么过 In the eight weeks of my summer holidays I had done so many different things.As soon as my school had broken up for the summer,my parents took me to their village.I had spent almost 4 weeks with my grandparents.I played with other [teenagers 或 kids] I once grew up with nearly everyday.One of my biggest achievements,over the last four weeks,was to complete all my home work for the summer.在暑假8个星期里,我做了很多事情.当学校刚开始放假时,我爸妈马上带我回乡见爷爷奶奶.我在哪里待了4周.我每天都跟从小孩子玩大的朋友们一起玩.我最大的功劳是,把老师交给我做的功课,在四周内,全都做好.