英语翻译(4)A few pats here and there from our disinterested father delighted Fifi more than all the games we played with her.Just then I thought that Fifi had won my dad’s heart.Fifi was pregnant but Dad and Mom were not so optimistic.Dad had lost his job and had decided to move the family to another state to find employment.Fifi had delivered eight pups just days before we had to leave our previous home.为了方便翻译,前文特此给出。“Can we have a dog?” my sister and I


(4)A few pats here and there from our disinterested father delighted Fifi more than all the games we played with her.Just then I thought that Fifi had won my dad’s heart.Fifi was pregnant but Dad and Mom were not so optimistic.Dad had lost his job and had decided to move the family to another state to find employment.Fifi had delivered eight pups just days before we had to leave our previous home.
“Can we have a dog?” my sister and I begged as we crowded around Dad after he walked in from work.Dad did not even pause to consider our request.
“No,” he replied.“Absolutely not.”
Dad was not much of a dog lover but he eventually gave in.One day he brought a dog home.We named her Fifi.Dad continued to ignore Fifi completely,but Fifi’s response was astonishing to us.When Dad sat in his chair,Fifi lay at his feet and slept.



