

举世闻名的泰山 泰山---五岳独尊之首 是中国的著名高山 坐落于山东 泰安.泰山高1514米
泰山人文历史悠久,文化遗产丰厚.山上有许多古老的景点.1987年被列入世界自然文化遗产名录.泰山自古便被视为是*稳定、政权巩固、国家昌盛、民族团结的象征,历朝历代,无论谁当上皇帝,第一件大事就是朝拜泰山,泰山也因此成为*唯一受过皇帝封禅的名山.无论是帝王将相,还是名人宗师,都对泰山仰慕备至.孔子“登泰山而小天下”传为佳话,杜甫“会当凌绝顶,一览众山小.”可惜我还没登过泰山,将来有机会 一定会登上泰山 欣赏美丽的日出
泰山每个季节都有美丽的风景 也正因如此 它吸引了无数的中外朋友来一睹它的风采 给泰安带来了巨大的经济效益 是泰安主要的经济来源之一
希望它能够永远雄伟 壮丽!

Taishan famous Taishan and culture - Only the first is China's famous mountains located in Tai'an of Shandong.Taishan 1,514 meters high
Taishan Humanity has a long history and rich cultural heritage.Mountains there are many ancient attractions .1987 was included in the World Natural and Cultural Heritage List.Taishan ancient life,would be regarded as stable,the consolidation of the regime,the country's prosperity,national unity,a symbol of Chinese dynasties ,and whoever Dangshanghuangdi,is the first major pilgrimage Taishan,Mount Tai has become only with the People's Republic of the famous emperor Fengshan.Both emperors phase,or celebrity guru,the Taishan admirers skies.Confucius "De Tai Shan and small world" was legendary,Du Fu,"will be extremely When Ling,list all small hill." Unfortunately,I have not yet received the Taishan,and the future board will have the opportunity to appreciate the beautiful sunrise Taishan
Taishan every season has beautiful scenery of this reason it has attracted many Chinese and foreign friends to come to see it to the style of Taian brought huge economic benefits Taian is one of the main economic sources
Hope that it will forever magnificent!