

Declare @MyString varchar(20)
Set @MyString='Customers'
--error clause
Select * From @MyString
So,in this case.I declare a variable call Mysting.Notice this is a
local variable with a single @ sign and it is a variable character string or a varchar.and it is a variable character string not more than 20 characters width which is this first line represent.and our next line is actually setting a line to that.so we placing the 'customers' in to a text string.so set Mystring equal to the text 'customers'.the problem have this point.if we want to run a statement.let's say "select * from @mystring".we will get a error.because SQL will not know how to that.

So,in this case.I declare(d) a variable call Mysting.Notice this is a local variable with a single @ sign and it is a variable (in-)character string or a varchar.and it is a variable (in-)character string not more than 20 characters width which is this first line represent(s).and our next line is actually setting a (value) to that (variable).so we placing the (value)'customers' in to a text string.so set Mystring equal to the text 'customers'.the problem (we) have this point.if (one) wants to (select) a statement.let's say "select * from @mystring".we will get a error.because SQL will not know how to (interpret) that.