Idont feel very well .Mum asked me ----------- this morning .选哪个,为什么不选其它几项,求详解.A.What the matter is B.What is wrong C.What the matter was D .What wrong was


Idont feel very well .Mum asked me ----------- this morning .选哪个,为什么不选其它几项,求详解.
A.What the matter is B.What is wrong C.What the matter was D .What wrong was

您好,很高兴为您I dont feel very well .Mum asked me ----------- this morning .不看答案我们来分析:asked me后接的是一个宾语补足语从句,从句应该用陈述语序,并且根据主句asked可知时态是一般过去时,所以看答案...