I do not feel very .Mum asked me____ this morningA what the matter is B what is wrong C what was the matter D what wrong was 麻烦帮忙解答一下,并要分析(分析时要具体)谢谢!


I do not feel very .Mum asked me____ this morning
A what the matter is B what is wrong C what was the matter D what wrong was 麻烦帮忙解答一下,并要分析(分析时要具体)谢谢!

C.首先从时态上判断,this morning决定了要用一般过去式,排除A和B.接下来看间接引语的规则.直接引语变为间接引语时,时态要根据主句(就是“某某说”这部分)进行调整.如果是疑问句,就把疑问词放在aks这类表“说话”的...