去不去由你定. 翻译成英语 ( )( )( )( )whether you will go or not.Miss Wang often gives me some useful books,(改为同义句) Miss Wang often() some useful books()me.    {是不是填gives 与 to}Everyone enjoys watching China's Got Talent. 改为部分肯定()()enjoys watching  China's Got Talent,


去不去由你定. 翻译成英语 ( )( )( )( )whether you will go or not.

Miss Wang often gives me some useful books,(改为同义句)

 Miss Wang often() some useful books()me.    {是不是填gives 与 to}

Everyone enjoys watching China's Got Talent. 改为部分肯定

()()enjoys watching  China's Got Talent,

It's up to you
gives    to
Not everyone