英语翻译平日里见惯了他的恶习 我劲量忍气吞声他为了一己私利 让大家跟着倒霉真的要把那些曾经的风云人物召集在一起吗4 事情都发展成这样了,不能任由他嚣张下去, 只能背水一战了5.你们这一帮过气的乌合之众,真是自不量力.6 放尊重点 我们是公平竞争7你们就这种态度吗? 难道你们忘了曾经的耻辱了吗.8 只要你们齐心,没有什么干不成的


平日里见惯了他的恶习 我劲量忍气吞声
他为了一己私利 让大家跟着倒霉
4 事情都发展成这样了,不能任由他嚣张下去, 只能背水一战了
6 放尊重点 我们是公平竞争
7你们就这种态度吗? 难道你们忘了曾经的耻辱了吗.
8 只要你们齐心,没有什么干不成的

1、On weekdays, I used to see his vices energizer swallow insult and humiliation silently
2、He is in their own interests to let everybody follow unlucky
3、Really want to put those once influential man together now
4 things are developing into it, don't let him arrogant down, can only fight to win or die
5 you this help out a motley crew, is really beyond one's ability.
6 respect we are fair competition
7 you have this attitude? Don't you forget the shame.
8 if you work, not what can not do

翻译为;Used in his daily habit I energizer toed the lineHe subverted the let everybody in troubleReally want to put those ever man called together4 things develop into such, can't let him hold up, can only fight5. This helped you angry mob, was a clunky.6 put respect points we is fair competition7 you will this attitude?Don't you forget once the shame of it.As long as you work, nothing to do

Used in his daily habit I energizer toed the line
He subverted the let everybody in trouble
Really want to put those ever man called together
Things are like this, can't let him hold up, can only fight
You this help the angry mob, was a clunky.
Respect the point we are fair competition
You will be this kind of attitude? Don't you forget once the shame of it.
As long as you work, have no what to do

I used to see his vices energizer swallow insult and humiliation silently in daily life
He is in their own interests to make everybody follow unlucky
Really want to put those once influential man together now?
4 things are developing into it, don't let him arrogant down,we only can fight to win or die
5 you this help out a motley crew, is really beyond one's ability.
6 please respect ,it is a fair competition
7 you have this attitude? Don't you forget the shame.
8 if you work, not what can not do

Usually,I endure his bad habits and try to swallow insult and humiliation silently.
But he is such a selfish man and get other people into troubles.
Do you really want to gather the influential man together now?
4.With incidents' going on,I cannot bare his arrogance,so I want a fight for win or die.
5.You motley crew of the past is really beyond your ability.
6.Please show your respect,we are now compete fairly.
7.Why do you perform such a bad attitude?Have you fogotten the shame ever before?
8.Only if you work together,all things will be done.