Berkshire Hathaway
Top 20 rank:2
Rank in Insurance:Property and Casualty:1
To see "admiration" in action,just look at Berkshire Hathaway's stock chart from last fall.As other financial shares were getting hammered -- some Berkshire investments among them -- investors bid up Berkshire's own stock by 27%.
Why?Wall Street believes that Berkshire and its acclaimed leader,Warren Buffett,possess a matchless ability to turn today's problems into tomorrow's profits.The key to this ability:"An absence of any regard for short-term results," says Don Graham,CEO of the Washington Post Co.(of which Berkshire owns 18%).Indeed,Berkshire has just launched a bond insurance company to compete with troubled MBIA and Ambac.It has also invested $800 million in subprime-battered Swiss Re.
Can Buffett,77,continue making lemonade from lemons?There's no reason to think otherwise.Of greater concern:Who takes over once the legend is gone?-Jon Birger
前20位排名:2 保险业排名:财产保险:1 单从伯克希尔公司去年秋天至今的股票图,就可看出对该公司的钦佩.其他金融股,包括伯克希尔的一些投资,遭受重创,投资人却让伯克希尔的股票哄涨了百分之二十七. 为什么?华尔街认...