英语翻译我想尽快看见他,当面告诉他这个好消息.(face to face)整天玩耍不努力学习没有什么乐趣(It's no pleasure doing)他的脚伤得如此厉害,以致他不能再走路了(no longer)


我想尽快看见他,当面告诉他这个好消息.(face to face)
整天玩耍不努力学习没有什么乐趣(It's no pleasure doing)
他的脚伤得如此厉害,以致他不能再走路了(no longer)

I want to see him as soon as possible, and tell him the news face to face
It's no pleasure playing other than studying
His foot was hurted too much that he can no longer walk.